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Distillery Branch (OO)

A DC 'one engine in steam' branch line layout which was originally designed to reflect the original steam era track plan of Fort William in Scotland. The track plan remains a foreshortened Fort William layout with the main street now running alongside the railway with shops behind, then some cottages, leading to an industrial area showing a garage and bus depot.

The station which has three platforms has been recently renamed 'Gurrside' in honour of our late Chairman. One of the platforms serves as a standard platform as well as providing access to the quayside for loading and unloading boats. The dock is surprisingly busy with two Clyde Puffers frequently moored alongside the quay.

The track runs out of the station as a single line initially running through countryside over a level crossing to a short goods spur. The line then divides to a cattle dock and goods shed. It continues under a pedestrian bridge to a two road carriage siding in front of the main line. The nearest carriage siding also leads to the spur into the distillery yard loading bay. The distillery buildings act as a shield to obscure the entrance to the sector plate fiddle yard as the main line slides behind the factory structures.

The layout measures 27ft x 1ft 6inches with a 4ft right angle workbench at the sector plate fiddle yard end for stability. It is constructed in 9mm plywood of 2 x 5ft boards, 4 x 4ft boards with integral folding legs. In addition there is a bolt on 1ft end extension for the terminus station and a bolt on front quayside.

Although originally built as a Scottish loch side steam branch for passenger and local goods, it can be shown as any location between the years 1955 and 2015 by dressing with appropriate road vehicles and rolling stock. The layout is just as comfortable with snowy Christmas themed parcel carrying steam trains to colourful private owner DMUs, even both at the same time depending on the show.

It travels in 2 cars with 4 operators for most shows. Distillery Branch has been the 'go to' layout for the club over the years making regular appearances at Dunster to support the 'Dunster by Candelight' celebrations as well as making several visits to West Somerset Railway events.

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